Sunday, January 3, 2010

About Susan Fink...

I am Susan Fink, a self-taught portrait photographer. Originally from Los Angeles, California, I am currently residing in Okinawa as a military wife and stay-at-home mom.

Since having my own little bundle of joy, I have been obsessed with capturing the wonderful everyday moments of life with a newborn. I want to capture my baby girl in every precious stage of her rapid growth. It amazes me how fast she's constantly growing and changing. I'm realizing that these moments I'm sharing with my baby will be just a memory one day, but with my photographs of her I can relive these memories in color.

Photography has always been an important part of my life. Growing up it was our family tradition to take a family portrait every year. My mom would always include a family photograph in the Christmas cards she sent and my dad, a jack of all trades, was our photographer. My sisters and I have hundreds of pictures of us as kids and it's all thanks to my parents who knew how valuable these photographs would be to our family in the future.

I'm always finding inspiration in everyone around me. I have to admit that when I'm without my camera, even amidst conversations with people or glancing at people from afar, I'm constantly framing possible angles of a portrait of them in my mind! I want to create photographs of people that allow their personality and emotions to radiate through my work. I'm so lucky to have found my niche and have a loving, supportive husband that encourages me to pursue my dreams.

Thank you for visiting Susan Fink Photography's Blog. There's no better way to celebrate your life's finest moments than to preserve it in a portrait. I'm looking forward to the pirivilege of photographing your family and creating something you can cherish for a lifetime!

Maternity self-portrait

All text and images copyright of Susan Fink Photography.

1 comment:

  1. Good job!Very, very impressive!! Dad and I are so proud of you! I always admire your English writing skills, organizational skills which you showed during your wedding, being very artistic even in your scuplture projects and now, the way you devote youself as wife and mother.I know, one of these days you will find a way how to make use of them businesswise and bottomline, something you enjoy! As your Dad always said, "finish your back-up and then you can do whatever you want to do" and you did that. Congratulations!!Good Luck to you and may the Good Lord guide and Bless you. We love you, always. MOM
